Scan your assets in
less than 90 seconds

Manea Attack Surface Management
From Assets scan, continuous vulnerability management and patch management to automated penetration testing. Manea Attack Surface Management Provides a revolutionary solution to reduce your attack surface.
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Attack Surface Management

We bring you a revolutionized unified solution to protect your assets that include
Manea ® AM
Centralized Asset
Manea ® VM
Assets Threats
Manea ® PT
Automated PT
Manea ® PM
Updates & Patches
Manea ® TIP
Threat intelligence

Manea Methodology

Manea’s Featurs

Manea is lighweight and fast where it can scan your assets in 90 seconds

Manea uses AI to learn and act

Manea supports some controls in Regulations like NCA ECC and ISO

No Training required where your admin can use Manea Portal in 30 minutes

We Support

We scan all types of assets